Listing: Syntax highlighting for SPARQL query?
Load the defined language SQL and define more keywords, if needed. Alternetivily write a package SPARQL.sty
with a a complete language definition. Choose the one from SQL
as template which is in the file lstlang1.sty
\begin{lstlisting}[captionpos=b, caption=SPARQL query, label=lst:sparql,
PREFIX java: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?url ?name
?url rdf:type java:Package .
?url rdfs:label ?name
If you use the minted
package, you can write your own lexer quite easily by writing a python module for Pygments. I wrote a little example on my blog.
Edit: There's actually a SPARQL lexer for Pygments in this repository, so you can
Download the file
$ mkdir -p swlexers/swlexers $ cd swlexers $ wget -O swlexers/
Write a file for it
$ cat """ Sparql syntax highlightin for Pygments. """ from setuptools import setup entry_points = """ [pygments.lexers] sparql = swlexers:SparqlLexer """ setup( name = 'swlexers', version = '0.1', description = __doc__, packages = ['swlexers'], entry_points = entry_points )
Install the module:
$ sudo python install
Check that the module was installed:
$ pygmentize -L | grep -i sparql
Use it in your code with
:\documentclass{article} \usepackage{minted} \begin{document} \begin{minted}{sparql} PREFIX java: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT ?url ?name WHERE { ?url rdf:type java:Package . ?url rdfs:label ?name } \end{minted} \end{document}
The other answers provide much fully features ways to achieve this. For completeness sake I would note that you can also just use the \lstdefinelanguage
command from the listings package to define a completely new language.
The following is the crude definition of SPARQL I've used in the past.
% Language Definitions for SPARQL
You'll notice I didn't bother to fill out all the keywords for the built in functions