Listing table results in "CREATE TABLE permission denied in database" ASP.NET - MVC4

I know it's old but since I had the same problems and it took me a while to find the solution... I decided to share the info. So I had to do 2 things to get rid of this problem, 1st was disabling the migrations:

# Migrations/Configuration.cs
internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<IntranetApplication.Models.MyDb1>
    public Configuration()
        AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;

however that wasn't enough, I also had to make sure the Seeder doesn't run. You can cancel it with this extra piece of code:

protected void Application_Start()


Then finally I can now do a SELECT with LINQ and only have READ access

As per Lawrence's suggestion, it's most probably better having it directly inside DB Context Constructor. Thanks for the tip, I updated my code and it now looks like this:

public partial class MyDb1 : DbContext
    public MyDb1()
        : base("name=MyDb1Connection")


Is your web config pointing to the correct database?

Are the credentials correct?

Entity Framework will create tables in the database if you are going to use the MVC4 WebSecutiy() to handle the Authentication and Authorisation of users. This could be throwing the exception.

In this case where you cannot create the tables needed for the membership provider, you will need to exclude this from the system. See this here. Alternatively create a new MVC4 project and select empty template and just put in the bits you need.