Listings line numbers that match the linerange specification

My previous solution had problems with the numbering of blank lines. I have added a new solution and kept the old one further down.

New Solution

What one really needs to do is reset the counter lstnumber at the beginning of each range. To achieve this one needs to hook into an internal command \lst@SkipToFirst. One approach is to define a new key matchrangestart initialised as false via


and then add the following test at the beginning of \lst@SkiptoFirst:


This the general way listings set-up keys with true/false values and how it handles the counter lstnumber. This code says if the matchrangestart key is true then when skipping forward to the beginning of a rang set lstnumber to one less than the first line number of the range. When the line gets printed this number is then incremented before being printed so we get the desired output.

New sample output



Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

Line 6
Line 7

Line 9
Line 10

    \ifnum \lst@lineno<\lst@firstline







Old Solution

This places wrong numbers on blank lines

The listings package has an internal plain counter \lst@lineno holding the line number you are after. Now the numbers=left option, runs the code


so all we need to do is take this code and replace the printed latex counter \thelstnumber by \the\list@lineno:

Sample output



Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5



The above coding sets this style globally. If you wish to have local switches then you can extend the listings definition of the numbers option, adding a leftliteral type as follows:



                \kern\linewidth \kern\lst@numbersep
    }{\PackageError{Listings}{Numbers #1 unknown}\@ehc}}


Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5


Sample switch

Based upon Andrew's answer I found this to be a better match to the problem:

    \ifnum \lst@lineno=\lst@firstline
        \def\lst@next{\lst@LeaveMode \global\lst@newlines\z@
        \lst@OnceAtEOL \global\let\lst@OnceAtEOL\@empty
        \lst@InitLstNumber % Added to work with modified \lsthk@PreInit.
        \c@lstnumber=\numexpr-1+\lst@lineno % this enforces the displayed line numbers to always be the input line numbers

The advantage over his answer is that it supports multi-range constructs correctly without the need to introduce a key. This is done by overriding the method which actually takes care of range-skipping and already containing a hook for the first line of a new range.

Tested against listings 1.6 (2015/06/04). As always when overriding a function pay attention to changes of the package's source (shouldn't be to hard as only one line was added).


2mm whitespace between line-blocks:

    \ifnum \lst@lineno=\lst@firstline
        \def\lst@next{\lst@LeaveMode \global\lst@newlines\z@
        \lst@OnceAtEOL \global\let\lst@OnceAtEOL\@empty
        \ifnum \c@lstnumber>0
            \vspace{2 mm}
        \lst@InitLstNumber % Added to work with modified \lsthk@PreInit.
        \c@lstnumber=\numexpr-1+\lst@lineno % this enforces the displayed line numbers to always be the input line numbers