lodash orderby with null and real values not ordering correctly

The code I needed looks like this...

_.orderBy(this.myArray, [( o ) => { return o.myProperty || ''}], ['desc']); 

Just for future reference to others you can do this to sort ascending with falsey values at the end.

items =>
      i => !!i.attributeToCheck,
      i => {
        return i.attributeToCheck ? i.attributeToCheck.toLowerCase() : ''
    ['desc', 'asc']

The _.orderBy() function's iteratees can use a method instead of a string. Check the value, and if it's null return an empty string.

const myArray = [{ propertyName: 'cats' }, { propertyName: null }, { propertyName: 'dogs' }, { propertyName: 'rats' }, { propertyName: null }];

const result = _.orderBy(myArray, ({ propertyName }) => propertyName || '', ['desc']);

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.2/lodash.min.js"></script>

The check can be simple (like the one I've used), which converts all falsy values to an empty string:

propertyName || ''

If you need a stricter check, you can use the ternary operator, and handle just null values:

propertyName === null ? '' : propertyName

Edit: Example with multiple ordering:

const result = _.orderBy(myArray, (item) => [get(item, 'propertyName', 0), get(item, 'propertyName2')], ['desc', 'asc']);

This will order by propertyName then propertyName2.

If propertyName is undefined/null then its default order will be set to 0. (and therefore will be displayed at last because of desc ordering on the propertyName field). In such case, propertyName2 will therefore determine the ordering.