LOF: Formatting Figurenames and adding Column Names

I've tried to reproduce the contents of the above image. Hope this is what you want.

enter image description here




\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{\textbf{Page}\hspace*{2em}\textbf{Figure \#}\hspace*{2em}\textbf{Figure name}}

  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure\ which is very very very very very long}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}
  \caption{the name of figure\thefigure}

I don't know how sound my solution is, but it works:


% Your packages ...



\addtocontents{lof}{\protect\contentsline{section}{\footnotesize\normalfont\bfseries Page \hspace*{1ex} Figure \# \hspace*{1ex} Figure Name}{}{}}



% Your document--


And here's and example:

LoF Test

Some Notes:

  • The command \contentspush prints its argument and shifts the following stuff by the width of that text to the right (cf. it's documentation)
  • I did not fiddle around with the size of the legend and the offsets between the words but you can easily change the font size to something smaller than \footnotesize (cf. Wiki) and adapt the \hspace's
  • You have to ensure that the \addcontentsline comes logically before the first picture is typeset or otherwise the legend will be printed after the entry corresponding to that figure