log messages appearing twice with Python Logging

You are calling configure_logging twice (maybe in the __init__ method of Boy) : getLogger will return the same object, but addHandler does not check if a similar handler has already been added to the logger.

Try tracing calls to that method and eliminating one of these. Or set up a flag logging_initialized initialized to False in the __init__ method of Boy and change configure_logging to do nothing if logging_initialized is True, and to set it to True after you've initialized the logger.

If your program creates several Boy instances, you'll have to change the way you do things with a global configure_logging function adding the handlers, and the Boy.configure_logging method only initializing the self.logger attribute.

Another way of solving this is by checking the handlers attribute of your logger:

logger = logging.getLogger('my_logger')
if not logger.handlers:
    # create the handlers and call logger.addHandler(logging_handler)

I'm a python newbie, but this seemed to work for me (Python 2.7)

while logger.handlers:

The handler is added each time you call from outside. Try Removeing the Handler after you finish your job:


If you are seeing this problem and you're not adding the handler twice then see abarnert's answer here

From the docs:

Note: If you attach a handler to a logger and one or more of its ancestors, it may emit the same record multiple times. In general, you should not need to attach a handler to more than one logger - if you just attach it to the appropriate logger which is highest in the logger hierarchy, then it will see all events logged by all descendant loggers, provided that their propagate setting is left set to True. A common scenario is to attach handlers only to the root logger, and to let propagation take care of the rest.

So, if you want a custom handler on "test", and you don't want its messages also going to the root handler, the answer is simple: turn off its propagate flag:

logger.propagate = False


