Sharepoint - Logical operators in the workflow designer

  1. After you've added the first condition in the workflow step
  2. highlight the condition then go to the Condition button on the ribbon and insert another "If..." condition
  3. It will put it on the second line of the IF statement and allow you to change the AND to an OR.

enter image description here

I've not worked with SPD 2010, but if it's anything like SPD 2007, the Conditions of the workflow step should allow you to do an OR, but you have to add two separate Conditions to do it.

  1. Click Conditions dropdown and choose "Compare [list] field"
  2. Click field and value to set those, then
  3. Click Conditions dropdown again and choose "Compare [list] field"
  4. Click and to change it to or, then
  5. Click field and value again to set those to your second choice