Logistic Regression in Java

Thanks for the inputs. After much searching I found this: http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/optimization.php This is almost a 1:1 translation of how the numpy implementation works, it allows us to do logistic regression ourselves with the mathematical formulas. So I can take our python class and implement the 4-5 methods necessary and then pass it to the BFGS solver to perform our logistic regression.

It worked great, the only thing we had to realize was that Mallet maximizes the function and Numpy has a minimizer.

Weka has commercial version of a license, see this page for details.

However, if logistic regression is the only data mining technique you need, take a look at LIBLINEAR, which is distributed under BSD license.

If you do not find anything else, take a look at Apache Commons Math: it is a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components addressing the most common problems not available in the Java programming language or Commons Lang.

Good luck.

