Logo selection for poster presentation

The logos on your poster should indicate the author's affiliation. Use the logo of the presenting author's university.

Never use the organizer, sponsor, or host logo unless you work for them. People attending the conference already know what conference they are at. This information is not needed on a poster.

Well, I'm against the overusage of logos, especially sponsor logos. There is already a big trend of forcing sponsor logos everywhere, including peer reviewed articles.

So please, do not support logo frenzy. If you insist on a logo, use the one that identifies you as the author, i.e., your department or your university logo.

The norm is to include the logo of researcher’s organization for sure. Apart from that, you might also want to include the logo for your funding agency or organization. Any other logos you might want to include can go at the bottom of your posters, such as the logos for your collaborators’ institute, any specific facility you used for data generation or analysis etc.