Logo situated only on titlepage of Beamer presentation

You can use


it's important to use the optional argument with the title once again so the right title would be used in other parts of the document (foot/headline, for example).

Another option would be to redefine the title page template to include the logo in the desired position:

\setbeamertemplate{title page}

and then simply use \titlegraphic:


As a logo is usually associated with an organization, I use the \institute macro to put the logo on title frame:

\institute[short name]{\includegraphics[width=3cm]{logo}}

(short name is usually printed on every slide depending on the theme used.)

But this logo is not between title and subtitle... The default order is the following:


enter image description here

A simple solution is this:

\institute{\includegraphics[scale=0.035]{logo} \\Physics Department\\ IIT Bombay}

