Looking for an appropriate icon for figures, one for tables and one for pages referring

By viewing ifsym.sty it is clear that \PaperPortrait requires you to load

\usepackage[misc]{ifsym}% http://ctan.org/pkg/ifsym

Following the advise of Symbol or dingbat of a calculator?, The Noun Project provides some camera SVG images.

enter image description here

Additionally, OpenClipArt also provides some camera SVG images.

These can be converted to other acceptable image formats (like PDF or TikZ) for inclusion in your document. See How to include SVG diagrams in LaTeX?

fontawesome package offers access to icons included in Font Awesome project. It works with XeTeX or LuaTeX. (Update: fontawesome also works with pdflatex since version 4.3.0)

Requested icons looks like:

enter image description here


Command & Icon \\
\verb+\faCamera+ & \faCamera \\
\verb+\faCameraRetro+ & \faCameraRetro \\
\verb+\faTable+ & \faTable \\
\verb+\faFile+ & \faFile \\
\verb+\faFileAlt+ & \faFileAlt \\
\verb+\faPicture+ & \faPicture \\


