Looking for an embeddable SQL beautifier or reformatter


org.hibernate.jdbc.util.BasicFormatterImpl got moved in release 4.0. It is now located at: org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.BasicFormatterImpl.


Technology marches on. As noted by Alex, org.hibernate.pretty.Formatter no longer exists as of version 3.3.2.GA. The replacement is org.hibernate.jdbc.util.BasicFormatterImpl:

String formattedSQL = new BasicFormatterImpl().format(sql);


If you're using Hibernate, they've got one built-in: org.hibernate.pretty.Formatter

String formattedSQL = new Formatter(sql).format();

With Hibernate v3.3.2.GA, org.hibernate.pretty.Formatter doesn't exist anymore. You can use its replacement : org.hibernate.jdbc.util.BasicFormatterImpl

Use org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.BasicFormatterImpl for Hibernate 4.0+.

Formatter f = new BasicFormatterImpl();
String formatted_sql_code = f.format(ugly_sql_code);

Part of the eclipse Data Tools Platform is the SQL Development Tools Project.

The page describing how to use the SQL Query Parser has an extremely brief use of SQLQuerySourceFormat which provides these options:

  • preserveSourceFormat = the option to preserve the input source formating when SQL source text is generated
  • statementTerminator = the character separating multiple SQL statements
  • hostVariablePrefix = the character that preceedes a host language variable
  • parameterMarker = the character that identifies a host language parameter
  • delimitedIdentifierQuote* = the character that encloses delimited identifiers whose writing in case will be preserved
  • omitSchema = the current schema (omitted in SQL source, implicit to unqualified table references)
  • qualifyIdentifiers = the flag describing how identifiers in the SQL source will be qualified
  • preserveComments = the option to preserve comments in the parsed SQL source or/and the generated SQL source
  • generateCommentsForStatementOnly = the option to generate comments for the SQL source only in the context of the complete statement, or if set to false, for single SQL Query objects outside the context of a statement as well