Looking for IntelliJ Idea theme for someone red-green colorblind

There is also an option in settings to turn on color-blind mode in settings

Settings → Appearance & Behavior → Appearance → Adjust colors for red-green vision deficiency

enter image description here

You can find more details about changes it makes in this document.

UPDATE: As of 2018.3, IDEA has its own high contrast theme. It may be potentially useful in this case. You can access in in

Settings → Appearance & Behavior

enter image description here

The example of the theme is here: enter image description here

The best solution would be to make your own color theme (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/configuring-colors-and-fonts.html) or pick one you like from the internet and edit it to best suit you.

And to answer best your question, there isn't, in my knowledge, a color theme for red-green colorblind BUT there are "soft" color themes, which simply use very little color.

EDIT: Forgot to say that there is also an option (in BETA) to adjust the IDE depending on your color deficiency (http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2015/09/intellij-idea-15-eap-help-us-test-the-adjustments-for-color-deficiency/), this may help.