Looking for small motion sensor

Found this one:

enter image description here

This is the SignalQuest SQ-MIN-200. It acts as a switch and chatters open and closed when moving:

enter image description here enter image description here

It's only 3.6 mm long and 1.9 mm diameter and consumes as little as 50 nA.

I found this accelerometer (Freescale MMA8453Q), which looks interesting. I know, it's an accelerometer, not on/off, but at least it can operate at very low current (6 µA) at a data rate of 1.5/second, which should be enough to detect picking up.

+1 for the Signal quest product, I have used it with several designs. A product to avoid is the Switronics RBS020902-G. I had lots of failures (Stuck balls) with this one.

Sensolute has an even smaller solution: http://www.sensolute.com/en/products/index/


