Looking for symbol: Fire

A tikzsymbols option and extreme overkill in the form of a .pic.

\pgfdeclareradialshading[fradialcolour1,fradialcolour2,fradialcolour3]{fncyradial}{\pgfpoint{0}{0}}{% manual 1082-1083; later - shading is assumed to be 100bp diameter ??
          fancy radial/.cd,
  fancy radial/.search also={/tikz},
  fancy radial/.cd,
  fancy radial inner colour/.code={
  fancy radial mid colour/.code={
  fancy radial outer colour/.code={
  fancy radial inner colour=black,
  fancy radial outer colour=black,
  fancy radial mid colour=white,
  inner color/.style={
        fancy radial inner colour=#1,
  outer color/.style={
        fancy radial outer colour=#1,
  mid color/.style={
        fancy radial mid colour=#1,
    \path (0,0) [out angle=0, save Hobby path={ff1}, curve through={(.4,.5) (.175,1)}] to (0,1.5)  (0,1.5) [in angle=180, curve through={(-.175,1) (-.4,.5)}, save Hobby path=ff2] to (0,0);
    \path (0,0) [out angle=0, save Hobby path=ff3, curve through={(.2,.25) (.1,.65)}] to (0,1)  (0,1) [in angle=180, curve through={(-.1,.65) (-.2,.25)}, save Hobby path=ff4] to (0,0);
    \begin{scope}[local bounding box/.expanded=#1, blend mode=hard light]%
      \foreach \i/\j/\k [count=\n from 1, evaluate=\n as \m using {isodd(\n) ? (9-\n) : (-10+\n)}, remember=\i as \ilast, remember=\j as \jlast, remember=\k as \klast] in {%
        DarkOrange1/Firebrick2/Firebrick4,% 1 -8
        DarkGoldenrod1/Red2/Sienna4,% 2 8
        Orange1/Red1/DarkOrange3,% 3 -6
        Gold2/RedOrange/Red4,% 4 6
        Goldenrod1/DarkOrange1/Tomato1,% 5 -4
        Gold1/Orange2/DarkRed,% 6 4
        Orange1/OrangeRed1/Red1,% 7 -2
        Gold/BurntOrange/OrangeRed,% 8 2
        yellow/orange/red% 9 0
        \begin{scope}[on background layer]%
          \shade [%
          fradial={inner color=\i, outer color=\k, mid color=\j}, scale={.8+2*\n/90}, rotate around={\m:(0,-15mm)}, rotate={\m}] (0,0) [restore and use Hobby path={ff1}{}] [restore and use Hobby path={ff2}{}];
        \shade [inner color=\i, outer color=\k, opacity=.75, scale={.75+3.5*\n/90}, rotate around={{-1.25*\m}:(0,-15mm)}, rotate={-1.25*\m}] (0,0) [restore and use Hobby path={ff3}{}] [restore and use Hobby path={ff4}{}];
\tikz{\pic {tan=t};}


The fontawesome package provides \faFire, which 'resembles' a bonfire ;-)

 \faFire\ needs a \faFireExtinguisher

  And there is \Fire from \texttt{tikzsymbols}

enter image description here

Using the free OpenSansEmoji font and XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX:

\newfontfamily\emojifont{OpenSansEmoji} % https://github.com/MorbZ/OpenSansEmoji

output of code