lose vim colorscheme in tmux mode
I had the same problem. Only difference was I am using solarize
rather then molokai
To fix the issue, I have set up an alias in ~/.bashrc
alias tmux="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux"
And set up the default-terminal
option in ~/.tmux.conf
set -g default-terminal "xterm"
Lastly, do $ source ~/.bashrc
to load new alias.
I tried all the solutions above and what finally worked for me is putting the following lines in .tmux.conf
set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
As @romainl mentions above, I needed to force tmux to use 256 colors by adding the -2
$ tmux -2
I added alias tmux='tmux -2'
to my bash_profile, so, I don't forget :)