ls -p code example

Example 1: ls -F

-rwxrw-r--    10    root   root 2048    Jan 13 07:11 afile.exe
?UUUGGGOOOS   00  UUUUUU GGGGGG ####    ^-- date stamp and file name are obvious ;-)
^ ^  ^  ^ ^    ^      ^      ^    ^
| |  |  | |    |      |      |    \--- File Size
| |  |  | |    |      |      \-------- Group Name (for example, Users, Administrators, etc)
| |  |  | |    |      \--------------- Owner Acct
| |  |  | |    \---------------------- Link count (what constitutes a "link" here varies)
| |  |  | \--------------------------- Alternative Access (blank means none defined, anything else varies)
| \--\--\----------------------------- Read, Write and Special access modes for [U]ser, [G]roup, and [O]thers (everyone else)
\------------------------------------- File type flag

Example 2: ls -a

ls command list computer files in a directory in Unix OS with next structure:
ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...
ls -l #display all files in current directory with  (-l) long format.
ls -a /directory #display all hidden files in given directory that start with .

Example 3: ls -l

0 success
1 minor problems  (e.g., failure to access a file or directory not
  specified as a command line argument.  This happens when listing a
  directory in which entries are actively being removed or renamed.)
2 serious trouble (e.g., memory exhausted, invalid option, failure
  to access a file or directory specified as a command line argument
  or a directory loop)


Misc Example