lua nil code example
Example 1: lua value
-- Nil (no value)
-- Number => Example: 1234567890
-- String => Example: "random text"
-- Function
-- Userdata
-- Boolean (true/fanse)
-- Table
-- Thread
Example 2: what does nill mean in lua
In Lua, nil is used to represent non-existence or nothingness. It’s frequently used to remove a value in a table or destroy a variable in a script. For instance:-- Create a new brick
local part ="Part")
-- Parent new part to the workspace, making it viewable
part.Parent = workspace
-- Remove the part from view, but not from memory
part.Parent = nil
-- Part still exists because it's referenced by the variable 'part', so it can be returned to view
part.Parent = workspace
-- Remove the part from view again
part.Parent = nil
-- Clear part reference so it gets picked up by the garbage collector
part = nil