Apple - Mac OS X 10.8 QuickLook Causing CPU & Temperature Spikes

It's a bug for sure, but the root-cause is a cached search in Finder which tries to find every file on the system and runs out of resource handles or something. It's an obvious use-case in Finder that I'm astonished nobody has spotted yet (but I have been a Unix/Linux system developer for 20 years).

When Finder is doing it, you can both get rid of the phantom 'suck search' immediately, but also fix it permanently with 2 button clicks:-

When you have the issue, on the finder menu bar, you'll see the 4 icons pertaining to switching views, list, columns, coverflow, etc.

Just click one of the buttons once to change the view to something else from your usual default, then click the button pertaining to your default view preference to change it back.

You should notice 3 things:-

  • The CPU-spin stops immediately and normality returns.
  • The phantom stuck search gets removed
  • It doesn't happen again - of course until you exercise the Finder design flaw (that's been there, what 7 years now!?!?) again. Just repeat until somebody wakes up and figures it out.


To see what generators QuickLook has installed, open the Terminal (Applications/Utilities/ and run the following command:

qlmanage -m

This will give you a quick dump of what is loaded at the moment with QuickLook. Also pay attention to what directories you have open at the time your CPU spikes (QL doesn't generate thumbnails for anything other than a directory or file being displayed in the Finder or other application viewing a file list).

It will output something like this

[uniform type identifier] -> path (version) [uniform type identifier] -> path (version - loaded)

The -m flag also accepts several arguments:

  • plugins Show the generators list (default action)
  • server Show quicklookd life information
  • memory Show quicklookd memory consumption
  • burst Show statistics about the last burst
  • threads Show concurrent accesses stats
  • other Show other information about quicklookd

Additionally, don't bother with man qlmanage as the manual isn't as good as the built-in help found at qlmanage -h.

If you want to see if DraftSight has a plugin loaded (or installed), try running qlmange -m plugins | grep -i "draftsight".