Mac User - How do I set CLASSPATHS in Mac (I'm working on a Lucene Demo)
in the terminal type
$ vim ~/.bash_profile
edit the file and add one line:
export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:/usr/local/lucene-3.6.2/lucene-core-3.6.2.jar:/usr/local/lucene-3.6.2/contrib/demo/lucene-demo-3.6.2.jar;
make sure to change the path of yours.
In your way you lose to add lucene-demo-3.0.3.jar in your classpath.
When you set an environment variable like CLASSPATH
then by default it only applies to the current process (i.e. the shell process itself) - it isn't available to the java process you launch in the next line. In order to make it available to other processes you need to "export" the variable. In this case you can use something like:
export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:/Users/philhunter/Desktop/COM562\ Project/lucene-3.0.3/lucene-core-3.0.3.jar
This basically says "set the CLASSPATH variable to its current value plus the location of the lucene jar, and make the new variable available to any processes launched from this shell".
However, with java the usual way of setting the classpath is to do it as part of the java
command itself, using the -classpath
or -cp
options. In your case it would look something like:
Phil-hunters-MacBook:webapps philhunter$ java -cp /Users/philhunter/Desktop/COM562\ Project/lucene-3.0.3/lucene-core-3.0.3.jar org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles /Users/philhunter/Desktop/COM562\ Project/lucene-3.0.3/src
As an aside, the error you see when using the setenv
line is because setenv
is the command used in the C shell to set environment variables, but the default Mac shell (and the shell you're using) is bash
which doesn't recognise setenv
and lets you know it doesn't recognise it with the error message: -bash: setenv: command not found