Apple - MacBook Pro continually wakes while in sleep mode

I found a fix. Seems that 2015 and 2016 MBPs are affected. This required disabling SIP and changing a system setting. I reported the bug to Apple so hopefully they'll fix it sometime soon. Please report it to them as well since any changes you make will be probably reverted with a system update.

From here: MacBook Pro 13 with Retina display consumes 10% battery overnight with the lid closed, is this normal?

and more details about it here

You have to turn SIP off, then do

ioreg -l | grep board-id

to get your board ID and then look for a file in the following directory that has your board ID as the filename (*.plist file)


Right click on the file > get info, and change permission for 'Everyone' to read and write (or edit this using sudo chmod a+rw *.plist). Then change these key values with a text editor so that they match these settings:


Finally, turn SIP back on and reboot.

I didn't found the exact cause of the problem, but I did found a solution which will avoid massive battery drains in sleep mode. The solution was to disable Airport (WiFi) when the Macbook was sleeping.

I used SleepWatcher v2.2 ( to run 2 scripts at wake and sleep interrupts. When the macbook goes to sleep, I execute the following command to disable WiFi:

/usr/sbin/networksetup setairportpower en0 off

When the Macbook wakes up again, I enable WiFi again:

/usr/sbin/networksetup setairportpower en0 on

You can download a script that installs SleepWatcher and the scripts at a blog post of mine (No ads located on the page).

Please note that in the original question of mine I said that I didn't want to disable WiFi constantly when putting the Mac to sleep. This solution does the same, but automatically, which makes it a good solution for the battery drain.

The sleep script:


status=$(networksetup getairportpower en0 | grep -Ei "On$")

if [ -f /tmp/wifi.on ]; then
    rm /tmp/wifi.on

if [ "" !=  "$status" ]; then
    echo "`date` -- WiFi is On ... storing statement" >> /tmp/sleep.log

    touch /tmp/wifi.on
    networksetup setairportpower en0 off

The wake script:


if [ -f /tmp/wifi.on ]; then
    echo "`date` -- Enablig WiFi" >> /tmp/sleep.log
    sleep 3
    networksetup setairportpower en0 on