machine learning and code example
Example 1: Machine Learning
Machine Learning (ML) is The science of automate a task using some
autonomous bots created by several programming languages
(python, C++, Java, R, LISP ... and many others )
types of ML :
-Supervised Learning
-Unsupervised Learning
-Reinforcement Learning
List of Common Machine Learning Algorithms :
1. Linear Regression
2. Logistic Regression
3. Decision Tree
4. SVM
5. Naive Bayes
6. kNN
7. K-Means
8. Random Forest
9. Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
10. Gradient Boosting algorithms
Example 2: what is machine learning
When a Machine automatically for a particular kind of problem redefines its
solution based on the data acquired from past experiences, this process is
known as Machine Learning.
Types of ML :
-Supervised Learning
-UnSupervised Learning
-Reinforcement Learning