macOS Mojave: How to achieve codesign to enable debugging (gdb)?

This is related to codesign entitlements. you must add "" key in signing process.

for example you must change codesign -fs gdbcert /usr/local/bin/gdb to codesign --entitlements gdb.xml -fs gdbcert /usr/local/bin/gdb .

gdb.xml content must something like following code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

I didn't modify so no issues with any of the text editors you listed. The fix I'm using though, unfortunately does require me to run gdb with sudo (which I didn't need for the fix I had on High Sierra). Not using Geany, but these are the slightly modified steps I used for gdb on Mac Mojave (with thanks to the original author who published instructions for High Sierra):

  1. Run brew install
  2. Follow with brew pin gdb
  3. Open Keychain Access
  4. In menu, open Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Create a Certificate
  5. Give it a name (e.g. gdbcert)
  6. Identity type: Self Signed Root
  7. Certificate type: Code Signing
  8. Check: Let Me Override Defaults
  9. Continue with default options until Specify a Location For
  10. Set Keychain location to System. If this yields the following error: Certificate Error: Unknown Error =-2,147,414,007 Set Location to Login, Unlock System by click on the lock at the top left corner and drag and drop the certificate gdbcert to the System Keychain.
  11. Find the certificate in System keychain.
  12. Double click certificate.
  13. Expand Trust, set Code signing to Always Trust
  14. Restart taskgated in terminal: sudo killall taskgated or possibly ps aux | grep taskgated then kill -9 <pid>
  15. Enable root account by following the steps given below:
  16. Open System Preferences
  17. Go to User & Groups > Unlock
  18. Login Options > Join (next to Network Account Server)
  19. Click Open Directory Utility
  20. Go up to Edit > Enable Root User
  21. Codesign gdb using your certificate: codesign -fs gdbcert /usr/local/bin/gdb I ended up using sudo killall taskgated && codesign -fs gdbcert /usr/local/bin/gdb
  22. Codesign authenticate as root user
  23. Shut down your mac and restart in recovery mode (hold down command-R until Apple logo appears)
  24. Open terminal window
  25. Modify System Integrity Protection to allow debugging: csrutil enable --without debug
  26. Reboot your Mac. Debugging with gdb should now work as expected.
  27. Run gdb with sudo; for example sudo gdb -q ./a.out

The log command is helpful for troubleshooting code signing issues. Here is what I used (on Mojave):

log stream --predicate 'process == "taskgated" OR (process == "kernel" AND eventMessage CONTAINS "macOSTaskPolicy")' --info