Macro - Repeat the pattern for any (even) number of arguments

You can as a stopping criteria to halt the search for paired arguments. Such a stopping criteria could be \ByTwo ... \StopByTwo, say:

enter image description here


\newcommand{\@ByTwo}[2]{ {\bfseries #1} {`#2'} \ByTwo}




\ByTwo ABCDEF\StopByTwo


Here is how to implement such a macro with using a stopper. The answer is in ConTeXt because I use the \dodoublegroupempty macro from ConTeXt. I am sure there will be a similar helper macro in the LaTeX kernel, which can be used in a LaTeX solution.


       {\bf #1} ‘#2’ 


which gives

enter image description here

I propose an answer without end markup.

There is some problem with this question: what must be the answer if you provide an odd number of arguments? My answer to this question is that:


should display

but you can easily change the code if you want another behavior.




Pay attention that if the code after \AddAnyEvenNumberOfArguments begins with a left brace then this group will be eat by this macro! Logical. Normal. Add a \relax For exemple

{\bfseries That's all folks}

