Macro that reacts to the last symbol of the argument

If ! is not supposed to appear anywhere else in the argument to \mynode, it's quite easy:


  {\node at (0,0) {#1};}%
  {\node[fill=red] at (0,0) {#1};}%






enter image description here

However, I'd suggest a different strategy, more in line with standard LaTeX syntax.


   {\node[fill=red] at (0,0) {#2};}%
   {\node at (0,0) {#2};}%






How about this:

    \node[#1,/utils/exec=\ifx\temp\empty\else\pgfkeysalso{fill=red}\fi] at (0,0) {#2};





(I stole David Carlisle's code to check whether the argument ends in an exclamation point.)

enter image description here

enter image description here



\remshriek{text! text}


