Magento 2.1: Invoke urlBuilder->getUrl() in a controller in a custom module

actually from controller you can use


If your controller extend Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action you should follow rules of creation of the controller. So you should implement dependency injection of the parent class constructor (Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action):

 * @param Context $context
public function __construct(Context $context)
    $this->_objectManager = $context->getObjectManager();
    $this->_eventManager = $context->getEventManager();
    $this->_url = $context->getUrl();
    $this->_actionFlag = $context->getActionFlag();
    $this->_redirect = $context->getRedirect();
    $this->_view = $context->getView();
    $this->messageManager = $context->getMessageManager();

Your construct method should look like this after a modifications:

 * @param Context $context
 * @param UrlInterface $urlBuilder
public function __construct(
    Context $context,
    UrlInterface $urlBuilder
) {
    $this->urlBuilder = $urlBuilder;

NOTE: do not forget to remove old var/generation directory after implementing of modifications, because there are stored the generated files of controllers.