Magento 2 Bulk Actions not Starting

Seems like a bug to me.

I fixed it by modifying this function in vendor/magento/module-asynchronous-operations/Model/BulkManagement.php

Bad of me but hey, maybe it's a PR :)

private function publishOperations(array $operations)
        $operationsByTopics = [];
        foreach ($operations as $operation) {
+            $this->entityManager->save($operation);
            $operationsByTopics[$operation->getTopicName()][] = $operation;
        foreach ($operationsByTopics as $topicName => $operations) {
            $this->publisher->publish($topicName, $operations);

Magento 2.4

This issue is solved here:

If the old message is still shown then you can delete it from the magento_bulk and magento_bulk_acknowledged tables.

Thank you.