Magento 2 - How to disable wishlist and product review module

To disable the module you can perform following command as @KAndy suggested

php bin/magento module:disable Magento_Review
php bin/magento module:disable Magento_Wishlist

But you can not disable these module using CLI command because other modules are depends on these two modules. You can go app\etc and make relevant module to ZERO and run following command

php bin/magento setup:upgrade 

To check module status:

php bin/magento module:status

It will disable frontend functionality only while admin functionality will remain same.

For Magento_Wishlist, we can also disable the feature in the admin (Store > Config > Customer > Wish List > General Options, config path is wishlist/general/active).

Regarding Magento_Review, the problem is that Magento_Customer and Magento_Review modules requires each others in their composer.json files and there is probably (or just maybe) a good reason for that.

According to the documentation, disabling the module with force option (which is basically the same as disabling it directly in config.php file) can disable your Magento store and cause problems accessing the Magento Admin.

It looks fine on my project but any idea why Magento_Customer requires Magento_Review?

As I can see, deactivate the module is not a good idea. So I decided to remove all links with the default.xml.