Magento 2 - Why do SKU not change dynamically in configurable product view page
I wrote the module based on Fabian Schmengler's solution. This works for me on Magento 2.1.3.
var config = {
config: {
mixins: {
'Magento_ConfigurableProduct/js/configurable': {
'YourVendor_YourModule/js/model/skuswitch': true
/*jshint browser:true jquery:true*/
/*global alert*/
], function ($, wrapper) {
'use strict';
return function(targetModule){
var reloadPrice = targetModule.prototype._reloadPrice;
var reloadPriceWrapper = wrapper.wrap(reloadPrice, function(original){
//do extra stuff
//call original method
var result = original();
//do extra stuff
var simpleSku = this.options.spConfig.skus[this.simpleProduct];
if(simpleSku != '') {
$('div.product-info-main .sku .value').html(simpleSku);
//return original value
return result;
targetModule.prototype._reloadPrice = reloadPriceWrapper;
return targetModule;
namespace YourVendor\YourModule\Plugin\Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Block\Product\View\Type;
class Configurable
public function afterGetJsonConfig(
\Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Block\Product\View\Type\Configurable $subject,
) {
$jsonResult = json_decode($result, true);
$jsonResult['skus'] = [];
foreach ($subject->getAllowProducts() as $simpleProduct) {
$jsonResult['skus'][$simpleProduct->getId()] = $simpleProduct->getSku();
$result = json_encode($jsonResult);
return $result;
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<type name="Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Block\Product\View\Type\Configurable">
<plugin disabled="false" name="YourVendor_YourModule_Plugin_Magento_ConfigurableProduct_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable" sortOrder="10" type="YourVendor\YourModule\Plugin\Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Block\Product\View\Type\Configurable"/>
Feedback is appreciated! I got this by trial&error based on
I did that once for Magento 2.0, don't have the code available but can show you where you need to make changes:
Write a Plugin for
and add the SKUs to the result:$config['skus'] = []; foreach ($subject->getAllowProducts() as $simpleProduct) { $config['skus'][$simpleProduct->getId()] = $simpleProduct->getSku(); }
- Extend
using RequireJS. A good place to add the code to change the displayed SKU isreloadPrice()
. You will have access to the SKUs viathis.config.skus