Magento getFirstItem and getLastItem not working on collection

try this

$shipModelCollection = Mage::getModel('orderstatus/orderstatus')->getCollection();
$shipModelCollection->addFieldToFilter('shipment_incrementid', array(array('like' => $shipidarr[0].'%')));

$lastItem = $shipModelCollection->getLastItem();


The reason you are not getting result with getFirstItem or getLastItem on your collection is because they are function which return values. If a function returns data, then you must use a variable to store the returned value.
check Varien_Data_Collection::getFirstItem() in lib\Varien\Data\Collection.php

 * Retrieve collection last item
 * @return Varien_Object
public function getLastItem()

    if (count($this->_items)) {
        return end($this->_items);

    return new $this->_itemObjectClass();

You can see in its details @return Varien_Object it returns Varian_Object.
As this function returns data, you have to use a variable to get returned data or it will give you full collection data with filter.
Thats why

$shipModel->addFieldToFilter('shipment_incrementid', array(array('like' => $shipidarr[0].'%')))->getLastItem();

will give you full collection with filtered data and

$lastItem = $shipModel->addFieldToFilter('shipment_incrementid', array(array('like' => $shipidarr[0].'%')))->getLastItem();

will give you last item by code end($this->_items);