Magento: Load review form on external page

In this case,it will better idea to create custom route like Mage_Cms module.

Where depends on request path using Custom route match internally set the request path

  • modules ->Mage_Review

  • controller ->ProductController.php

  • Action ->listAction.

Customer will see that like

but internally it hit to


`laptop1` is  `product url_path` value
 `33661` is `product id` 

 `-reviews-form` suffix for review url as you want
  1. create custom font router for this custom module

        <productview> <!--  router identifire -->


  1. Add an observer on controller_front_init_routers

        <add_review_route>  <!-- observer identifier -->

This observer add new routers 

public function initControllerRouters($observer){

3.add router class

. Now you need define router class at Controller folder not controllers folders

Where using match () check the request path match with your pattern (producturl)-review-form. . check string review-form exits in this request path() reference

            return  false;

4.Get product url from request path and save it

If request path contain review-form then then save require an variable then remove review-form from this string.

  1. Check product exits in current store

Then using $producturl check this path for which product

  1. Set internal request Module,controller,Action name

If product is exits then module,controller,action for this request. which will be hit

Mage_Review Module ProductController at listAction

        ->setParam('id', $productid);
  1. Finally now set request alias as producturl-review-form thus customer can only laptop1-review-form as review page.

Hope this will help you

you can get full module at Github

In this module i have make review like :


whenerever product url is




