main proc far code example
Example: main proc far
MAIN PROC FAR ;The directives PROC and ENDP are used to define a label for a
;sequence of machine instructions called a procedure.
;FAR: Defines a far procedure.
;A Far call refers a procedure which is in different code segment
;It is also called Intra-segment call.
;A FAR replaces CS & IP with new CS & IP.
;The lcall instruction calls intersegment (far) procedures using a
;full pointer. lcall causes the procedure named in the operand to
;be executed. When the called procedure completes, execution flow
;resumes at the instruction following the lcall instruction (see
;the return instruction).
;PROC directive stores the contents of the register in the stack.
;The directive is used along with the name of the procedure to
;indicate the end of a procedure to the assembler. The directive,
;together with the procedure directive, PROC, is used to “bracket”
;a procedure.