Make a "Ceeeeeeee" program

Vim, 27, 26, 25 bytes


Try it online!

Input comes in this format:


My naive first approach is three bytes longer:


I'm also happy with this answer because it starts with my name.


See the similarity? Eh?

Less successful approaches:



D                                   " Delete everything on this first line
 J                                  " Remove this empty line
  qq                                " Start recording into register 'q'
    Y                               " Yank this line
     p                              " And paste it
      :s/                           " Run a substitute command on the last line in the buffer. Remove:
         .                          "   Any character
          \zs                       "   Move the selection forward (so we don't delete the first one)
             [^<C-r>-]              "   Followed by anything *except* for the character we deleted
                      <CR>          " Run the command
                          @q        " Call register 'q'
                            q       " Stop recording
                             @q     " Run the recursive macro
                               D    " Delete our extra line

MATL, 20 16 bytes


Try it online! Or verify test cases: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


Modified code to see the string being gradually shrunk (offline compiler):


enter image description here

Or try it at MATL Online!


y        % Implicitly input string and char. Duplicate string onto top
-        % Subtract. Gives nonzero for chars in the input string that are
         % different from the input char
f        % Array of indices of nonzero values
1X-      % Remove 1 from that array. This gives an array of the indices of 
         % chars to be removed from the string
"        % For each
  t      %   Duplicate previous string
  []     %   Push empty array
  @      %   Push index of char to be removed. But this index needs to be 
         %   corrected to account for the fact that previous chars have
         %   already been removed...
  X@q-   %   ... So we correct by subtracting the 0-based iteration index
  (      %   Assign empty array to that position, to remove that char
         % Implicitly end for each
         % Implicitly display

Haskell, 50 bytes


Defines a function (%) returning a list of strings.


(%) is called as w%c, with w being the input string, and c the character to keep. In short, this definition works by separating w into the first character (a) and the remainder (x), splitting x at the first occurrence of a character other than c, and recursively calling itself with that one character dropped.

w@(a:x)%c              -- define (%) with w separated into a and x.
 |(d,_:y)<-span(==c)x  -- split x; bind the string of `c` to d, and the rest
                       -- to _:y, dropping first character and calling the rest y.
  =w:(a:d++y)%c        -- if there was a character to drop, cons w onto the
                       -- sequence gained by recursively calling (%) with that
                       -- character removed (i.e. call with a:d++y).
 |0<1=[w]              -- if nothing needed to be dropped, the result sequence is
                       -- simply the one-element list [w]