Make a double blue checkmark symbol with square contours using Ti*k*Z


\tikzset{pics/.cd, checkmark/.style={code={% 
\draw[line width=\tmpxx*1pt,draw=none,fill=blue!60] (0,.33) -- (.25,0) to 
  (0.8,.6) to (.72,.68) to (.25,.18) to (0.08,.40)-- cycle;}}}
\tikzset{pics/.cd, clipcheckmark/.style={code={% 
\draw[line width=\tmpxx*1pt,draw=none,fill=blue!60] (0.1,.19) -- (.25,0) to 
  (0.8,.6) to (.72,.68) to (.25,.18) to (0.18,.26)-- cycle;}}}
\path (0,0) pic[scale=0.4]{checkmark} (0.16,0) pic[scale=0.4]{clipcheckmark};



    \item This is an item.
    \item Another item.


enter image description here

Just for fun: an attempt to obtain a precise match.

\draw[line width=0.72ex,cmblue] (136:1.25) -- (0,0) -- (51:2.85);
\draw[xshift=2.5ex,line width=0.72ex,cmblue] (137:0.55) -- (0,0) -- (52:2.85);



    \item This is an item.
    \item Another item.

enter image description here