Make custom page-based loop in Jekyll

You can iterate through site.pages

{% for page in site.pages %}
  <h3><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h3>
  <p>{{ page.content }}</p>
{% endfor %}

And limit the list the only pages that use a particular layout.

{% for page in site.pages %}
  {% if page.layout == 'team' %}  
    <h3><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h3>
    <p>{{ page.content }}</p>
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

See this post about generating a sitemap:

You can't add your own collection to site just like that.

site only knows about three collections: pages, posts, and categories. You can get all the posts of a category by doing site.<category>.posts . AFAIK, categories only work for posts, not pages.

This makes sense, since Jekyll is supposed to be mainly a blogging engine, and not a generic static website generator.

So your best solution right now consists on "lying" to jekyll. Make it believe you have posts, when in reality you are making pages.


You will be able to loop over the elements inside _posts/pressitems like this:

for item in site.categories.pressitems.posts do
  ... {{ item.title }} ... {{ item.url }}

Similarly, your "real blog entries" would go this way:

for p in do
  ... {{ p.title }} ... {{ p.url }}

The catch is that you will have to respect Jekyll's naming convention regarding filenames; your pressitems have to look like real posts. This means they have to be named starting with a yyyy-mm-dd- string, like posts. Just give them a random date.


EDIT: This was true when this post was originally written, in 2012, but not any more. Modern Jekyll does allow you to create your own collections

As of October 2016:

In Jekyll 2.5.3 you can actually can add your own collection to site.

Add _my_collection folder to root and fill with documents. Add to _config.yml:

- my_collection

Now call documents using either post, page, or category. e.g. { for post in site.my_collection < do something > }

It is important to note that this feature can be used it has been marked by the Jekyll team as "an experimental feature and the API may change until the feature stabilizes".


