Make footnote clickable both ways

Here is a suggestion using a KOMA-Script class together with package footnotebackref:




\usepackage{blindtext}% dummy text
Something here\footnote{foo}
And another footnote is here\footnote{foobar}

enter image description here

\deffootnote is a KOMA-Script command und \BackrefFootnoteTag is defined by package footnotebackref.

Syntax of \deffootnote:

\deffootnote[<mark width>]{<indent>}{<parindent>}{<definition>}

If the optional argument is missing <indent> will be used as <mark width>. <parindent> is an additional indent if a new paragraph starts inside a footnote.

The defaults for the KOMA-Script classes are


This works out of the box for me with footnotebackref, the loading of hyperref is done by footnotebackref already.





Something here\footnote{foo}


And another footnote is here\footnote{foobar}
