Make Function parameter optional in custom widget flutter

Optional parameters can be either positional or named, but not both.

Named parameters are optional by default so you don't have to assign the default value.

If a parameter is optional but can’t be null, provide a default value.

With null safety

class TextInputWithIcon extends StatefulWidget {
  final String iconPath;
  final String placeHolder;
  final Function(bool)? onFocusChange; // nullable and optional
  const TextInputWithIcon(
      {Key? key,
      required this.iconPath, // non-nullable and required
      this.placeHolder = "", // non-nullable but optional with a default value
      this.onFocusChange, // nullable and optional
      : super(key: key);

  _TextInputWithIconState createState() => _TextInputWithIconState();


Without null safety

const TextInputWithIcon(
      {Key key,
      @required this.iconPath,
      this.placeHolder = "",
      : super(key: key);


void _focusChanged(bool value) {

    // using null-aware operator (for both with and without null safety)
    // or without null-aware operator 
    // with null safety
    if(onFocusChange != null) {

    // without null safety
    if(onFocusChange != null) {


Dart 2.17 update:

Although it often makes sense to place positional arguments first, named arguments can be placed anywhere in the argument list when it suits your API:

repeat(times: 2, () {

Have a look at Optional Parameters to understand better.

Edit: Thank you Jonah Williams to clarification.

Another option if you don't like named parameters (like me :/) is:

function_name (argument1, [argument2]) {
   // statements

arguments in brackets are optional.


You can use a default value that does nothing:

class TextInputWithIcon extends StatefulWidget {
  final String iconPath;
  final String placeHolder;
  final Function(bool) onFocusChange;
  const TextInputWithIcon(
      {Key key,
      @required this.iconPath,
      this.placeHolder = "",
      this.onFocusChange = _dummyOnFocusChange})
      : assert(onFocusChange != null), super(key: key);

  _TextInputWithIconState createState() => _TextInputWithIconState();

  static dynamic _dummyOnFocusChange(bool val) {}

I created a static named function instead of just a closure as a default value because closures are not const and currently default values need to be const.

I added the assert(...) to ensure that an error is shown when null is passed explicitly.


