Make last Item / ViewHolder in RecyclerView fill rest of the screen or have a min height

You can find the remaining space in RecyclerView after laying out the last item and add that remaining space to the minHeight of the last item.

val isLastItem = getItemCount() - 1 == position
if (isLastItem) {
    val lastItemView = holder.itemView
    lastItemView.doOnLayout {
        val recyclerViewHeight = recyclerView.height
        val lastItemBottom = lastItemView.bottom
        val heightDifference = recyclerViewHeight - lastItemBottom
        if (heightDifference > 0) {
            lastItemView.minimumHeight = lastItemView.height + heightDifference

In onBindHolder check if the item is last item using getItemCount() - 1 == position. If it is the last item, find the height difference by subtracting recyclerView height with lastItem bottom (getBottom() gives you the bottom most pixel of the view relative to it's parent. In this case, our parent is RecyclerView).

If the difference is greater than 0, then add that to the current height of the last view and set it as minHeight. We are setting this as minHeight instead of setting directly as height to support dynamic content change for the last view.

Note: This code is Kotlin, and doOnLayout function is from Android KTx. Also your RecyclerView height should be match_parent for this to work (I guess that's obvious).