Making a Calendar for TUG
Well, this is not exactly what you want, but I was thinking about asking for calendars a few weeks ago in order to make it a Community Wiki, but finally I didn't. However, I post here my solution (which is far far away from being optimal, I encourage all of you to make it better —but, of course, without changing the appearance–). I repeat, may be it's not what you want.
The file is this:
\documentclass[border=4.9mm, multi={tikzpicture}]{standalone}
% MCAL -------------------------------
% MCAL -------------------------------
\begin{document}\estilodetexto% To set up \sffamily, \bfseries…
\thisyear{2013}% The year the calendar is about.
\colordelosfestivos{red}% The color of holidays.
\remaincolor{white}% The color under the top rectangle (where the title and the previous and next calendar are)
\resubcolor{white}% The color under the names of the week
\mooncounter=2% To set the first moon of the year (0,1,2,3)
\enero[7,14,21,28]{7}% The months …
It uses a custom mcal.sty
which I include later. The usage is easy, each month (now it's in spanish, but you get an idea) takes a mandatory argument, the days of the month which are holidays, separated by commas, and a optional argument, the days of the month with the moon phase.
You can see how it fully looks here.
Apart from that, the mcal.sty
has this content:
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\monthcounter}{12}% Diciembre
\foreach \f in {#1} {%
\xappto\festivos{if (day of month = \f) [\colorfestivos]}}%
\global\advance\mooncounter by 1\relax%
\ifcase\mooncounter $\newmoon$%
\or $\rightmoon$%
\or $\fullmoon$%
\or $\leftmoon$\global\mooncounter=-1\relax%
\foreach \l in {#1} {%
\xappto\lunas{if (day of month = \l) [day text=\noexpand\moon\%d-]}
\tikzoption{day headings}{\tikzstyle{day heading}=[#1]}
\tikzstyle{day heading}=[]
\tikzstyle{day letter headings}=[
execute before day scope={ \ifdate{day of month=1}{%
\foreach \d/\l in {0/L,1/M,2/X,3/J,4/V,5/S,6/D}{
\node[every day,day heading]{\estilodetexto\Large\l};%
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\monthcounter}{1} \else%
% Cuadrícula
\draw[fill opacity=1,fill=\maincolor] (0,20) rectangle (28,16);%
\draw[fill opacity=1,fill=\subcolor] (0,15) rectangle (28,16);%
\draw[xstep=4cm, ystep=2.5cm] (0,0) grid (28,15);%
\draw[xstep=4cm, ystep=1cm] (0,15) grid (28,16);%
\draw (0,20) rectangle (28,16);%
\foreach \dia/\posicion in {Lunes/2,Martes/6,Miércoles/10,Jueves/14,Viernes/18,Sábado/22,Domingo/26}{%
\node (\dia) at (\posicion,15.5) {\dia};%
% Calendario mes anterior
\node (titulocalanterior) at (2.75,19.5) {\Month};%
\calendar (calanterior) [dates=\Year-12-01 to \Year-12-last,%
day xshift=1em,%
day yshift = 1em-1ex,%
day text=\normalsize \%d-,%
week list,%
day letter headings] at (1.2,18.7);%
\calendar[dates=\Year-\monthcounter-1 to \Year-\monthcounter-last,%
week list,%
day xshift = 4cm,%
day yshift = 2.5cm,%
if = {(Sunday) [\colorfestivos]},%
] at (4,14.3) \festivos \lunas;%
\node[scale=2] (Mtitle) at (14,18) {\Huge \Month{} de \Year};%
% Calendario mes siguiente
\node (titulocalsiguiente) at (25.05,19.5) {\Month};%
\calendar (calsiguiente) [dates=\Year-\monthcounter-1 to \Year-\monthcounter-last,%
day xshift=1em,%
day yshift = 1em-1ex,%
day text=\normalsize \%d-,%
week list,%
day letter headings] at (23.5,18.7);%
% Cuadrícula
\draw[fill opacity=1,fill=\maincolor] (0,20) rectangle (28,16);%
\draw[fill opacity=1,fill=\subcolor] (0,15) rectangle (28,16);%
\draw[xstep=4cm, ystep=2.5cm] (0,0) grid (28,15);%
\draw[xstep=4cm, ystep=1cm] (0,15) grid (28,16);%
\draw (0,20) rectangle (28,16);%
\foreach \dia/\posicion in {Lunes/2,Martes/6,Miércoles/10,Jueves/14,Viernes/18,Sábado/22,Domingo/26}{%
\node (\dia) at (\posicion,15.5) {\dia};%
% Calendario mes anterior
\node (titulocalanterior) at (2.75,19.5) {\Month};%
\calendar (calanterior) [dates=\oldYear-12-01 to \oldYear-12-last,%
day xshift=1em,%
day yshift = 1em-1ex,%
day text=\normalsize \%d-,%
week list,%
day letter headings] at (1.2,18.7);%
\calendar[dates=\Year-\monthcounter-1 to \Year-\monthcounter-last,%
week list,%
day xshift = 4cm,%
day yshift = 2.5cm,%
if = {(Sunday) [\colorfestivos]},%
] at (4,14.3) \festivos \lunas;%
\node[scale=2] (Mtitle) at (14,18) {\Huge \Month{} de \Year};%
% Calendario mes siguiente
\node (titulocalsiguiente) at (25.05,19.5) {\Month};%
\calendar (calsiguiente) [dates=\Year-\monthcounter-1 to \Year-\monthcounter-last,%
day xshift=1em,%
day yshift = 1em-1ex,%
day text=\normalsize \%d-,%
week list,%
day letter headings] at (23.5,18.7);%
% Cuadrícula
\draw[fill opacity=1,fill=\maincolor] (0,20) rectangle (28,16);%
\draw[fill opacity=1,fill=\subcolor] (0,15) rectangle (28,16);%
\draw[xstep=4cm, ystep=2.5cm] (0,0) grid (28,15);%
\draw[xstep=4cm, ystep=1cm] (0,15) grid (28,16);%
\draw (0,20) rectangle (28,16);%
\foreach \dia/\posicion in {Lunes/2,Martes/6,Miércoles/10,Jueves/14,Viernes/18,Sábado/22,Domingo/26}{%
\node (\dia) at (\posicion,15.5) {\dia};%
% Calendario mes anterior
\node (titulocalanterior) at (2.75,19.5) {\Month};%
\calendar (calanterior) [dates=\Year-12-01 to \Year-12-last,%
day xshift=1em,%
day yshift = 1em-1ex,%
day text=\normalsize \%d-,%
week list,%
day letter headings] at (1.2,18.7);%
\calendar[dates=\Year-\monthcounter-1 to \Year-\monthcounter-last,%
week list,%
day xshift = 4cm,%
day yshift = 2.5cm,%
if = {(Sunday) [\colorfestivos]},%
] at (4,14.3) \festivos \lunas;%
\node[scale=2] (Mtitle) at (14,18) {\Huge \Month{} de \Year};%
% Calendario mes siguiente
\node (titulocalsiguiente) at (25.05,19.5) {\Month};%
\calendar (calsiguiente) [dates=\newYear-\monthcounter-1 to \newYear-\monthcounter-last,%
day xshift=1em,%
day yshift = 1em-1ex,%
day text=\normalsize \%d-,%
week list,%
day letter headings] at (23.5,18.7);%
As you can see, it is very basic and uses tikz
's calendar
EDIT: It's in spanish (+ a bit of english, it was done fast and without thinking so much, you will se a lot of randomness inside :P). I will try to translate it into english in the future.
I wrote one for 2012... but i was lacking material for 2013 since i was writing my thesis in the past months.
I basically used the following macro:
\begin{tikzpicture} \pgfcalendar{cal}{#1}{#2}{%
\def\normal{\node (\pgfcalendarsuggestedname) at (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday*2.5,0) [filling, rectangle,rounded corners, text width=.1\textwidth,text height=.8cm ,align=right] {\\$\pgfcalendarcurrentday$};}%
\ifdate{equals=2013-01-10}{\node (\pgfcalendarsuggestedname) at (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday*2.5,0) [filling, rectangle,rounded corners, text width=.1\textwidth ,text height=.8cm ,align=right,] {{\small D. E. Knuth}\\$\pgfcalendarcurrentday$};}{\normal}%
\ifdate{equals=2013-02-07}{\node (\pgfcalendarsuggestedname) at (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday*2.5,0) [filling, rectangle,rounded corners, text width=.1\textwidth ,text height=.8cm ,align=right,] {{\small L. Lamport}\\$\pgfcalendarcurrentday$};}{}%
\ifdate{equals=2013-05-05}{\node (\pgfcalendarsuggestedname) at (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday*2.5,0) [filling, rectangle,rounded corners, text width=.1\textwidth ,text height=.8cm ,align=right,] {{\small Julia}\\$\pgfcalendarcurrentday$};}{}%
\ifdate{equals=2013-08-01}{\node (\pgfcalendarsuggestedname) at (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday*2.5,0) [filling, rectangle,rounded corners, text width=.1\textwidth ,text height=.8cm ,align=right,] {{\small Tobias}\\$\pgfcalendarcurrentday$};}{}%
This sets the page with the calender, the content (picture etc.) shall be invoked as argument #3. Like this: \mymo{2013-01-01}{2013-01-last}{\input{jan.tex}}
It was printed on 100g/m^2 DIN A4 paper with a high res laser printer and shipped to some of my friends.