Making a HANDLE RAII-compliant using shared_ptr with a custom deleter

Take a look at boost 2: shared_ptr wraps resource handles

Don't bother with shared_ptr for that, use ATL::CHandle.

Here is why:

  • When you see CHandle you know that it's a RAII wrapper for a handle.
  • When you see shared_ptr<void> you don't know what it is.
  • CHandle doesn't make an ownership shared (however in some cases you may want a shared ownership).
  • CHandle is a standard for a windows development stack.
  • CHandle is more compact than shared_ptr<void> with custom deleter (less typing/reading).

Example 1 is OK

Example 2 is wrong. By blindly casting to PHANDLE, the shared_ptr logic is bypassed. It should be something like this instead:

OpenProcessToken(...., &h);
shared_ptr<void> safe_h(h, &::CloseHandle);

or, to assign to a pre-exising shared_ptr:

shared_ptr<void> safe_h = ....
  OpenProcessToken(...., &h);
  safe_h.reset(h, &::CloseHandle);
}//For extra safety, limit visibility of the naked handle

or, create your own, safe, version of OpenProcessToken that returns a shared handle instead of taking a PHANDLE:

// Using SharedHandle defined at the end of this post
SharedHandle OpenProcess(....)
    ::OpenProcessToken(...., &h);
    return SharedHandle(h);

Example 3: No need to take these detours. This should be ok:

Process32First(h.get(), ...);

Example 4: Again, no detour:

if (h.get() == INVALID_HANDLE){...}

To make things nicer, you could typedef something like:

typedef shared_ptr<void> SharedHandle;

or better yet, if all handles are to be closed with CloseHandle(), create a SharedHandle class wrapping a shared_ptr and automatically providing the right deleter:

// Warning: Not tested. For illustration purposes only
class SharedHandle
  explicit SharedHandle(HANDLE h) : m_Handle(h, &::CloseHandle){};
  HANDLE get()const{return m_Handle.get();}

  //Expose other shared_ptr-like methods as needed

  shared_ptr<void> m_Handle;



