Making synchronous calls to Cloud Firestore when running off the main thread

So I found what I was looking for in the Google Tasks API: "If your program is already executing in a background thread you can block a task to get the result synchronously and avoid callbacks"

So my previous problematic code becomes:

private fun movieListResponse(): Call.Response<List<MovieEntity>> {
        return try {
            val taskResult = Tasks.await(FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().
                    collection(DataConfig.databasePath + MOVIES_PATH).get(), 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            Call.Response(true, taskResult.mapTo(ArrayList()) { MovieEntity.fromSnapshot(it) }, null)
        } catch (e: ExecutionException) {
            Call.Response(false, null, Failure.ServerError())
        } catch (e: InterruptedException) {
            Call.Response(false, null, Failure.InterruptedError())
        } catch (e: TimeoutException) {
            Call.Response(false, null, Failure.TimeoutError())

Note I no longer need my Thread.sleep while loop. This code should only be run in a background thread/kotlin coroutine.