Managing A Debug and Release Connection String
Create a Debug and Release version of the Web.config file, e.g. Web.debug.config and Web.release.config. Then add a pre-compile condition that copies the relevant version into the web.config based upon the current Target.
Edit: To add the pre compile condition right click on you project and select "Properties" then goto the "Build Events" tab and add the code below to the precompile condition. Obviously, you will have to ammend the code to your needs, see image below.
@echo off
echo Configuring web.config pre-build event ...
if exist "$(ProjectDir)web.config" del /F / Q "$(ProjectDir)web.config"
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Debug Test" goto test
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Debug M" goto M
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Debug BA" goto BA
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Release Test" goto test
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Release M" goto M
if "$(ConfigurationName)" == "Release BA" goto BA
echo No web.config found for configuration $(ConfigurationName). Abort batch.
exit -1
goto :end
copy /Y "$(ProjectDir)web.config.test" "$(ProjectDir)web.config"
GOTO end
copy /Y "$(ProjectDir)web.config.BA" "$(ProjectDir)web.config"
GOTO end
copy /Y "$(ProjectDir)web.config.M" "$(ProjectDir)web.config"
GOTO end
echo Pre-build event finished
Project Properties
The good news is that .NET4 has a provision for just that, you can have separate configs for each Configuration (web.Release.config, web.Debug.config).
The bad news is ... you're probably not using that yet.