Map alternative for primitive values

What you are looking for is a Object2DoubleOpenHashMap from fastutil (Collections Framework with a small memory footprint and fast access and insertion) which provides methods of type double getDouble(Object k) and double put(K k, double v).

For example:

// Create a Object2DoubleOpenHashMap instance
Object2DoubleMap<String> map = new Object2DoubleOpenHashMap<>();
// Put a new entry
map.put("foo", 12.50d);
// Access to the entry
double value = map.getDouble("foo");

The class Object2DoubleOpenHashMap is a real implementation of a Map that is not thread-safe, however you can still use the utility method Object2DoubleMaps.synchronize(Object2DoubleMap<K> m) to make it thread-safe thanks to a decorator.

The creation code would then be:

// Create a thread safe Object2DoubleMap
Object2DoubleMap<String> map =  Object2DoubleMaps.synchronize(
    new Object2DoubleOpenHashMap<>()

Others have already suggested several third-party implementations of primitive-valued maps. For completeness, I'd like to mention some ways to get rid of the maps entirely that you might want to consider. These solutions won't always be possible, but when they are, they will usually be both faster and more memory-efficient than any map can be.

Alternative 1: Use plain old arrays.

A simple double[] array may not be as sexy as a fancy map, but very little can beat it in compactness and speed of access.

Of course, arrays come with a bunch of limitations: their size is fixed (although you can always create a new array and copy the old one's content into it) and their keys can only be small positive integers which, for efficiency, should be reasonably dense (i.e. the total number of used keys should be a reasonably large fraction of the highest key value). But if that happens to be the case for your keys, or if you can arrange for it to be the case, arrays of primitive values can be very efficient.

In particular, if you can assign a unique small integer ID to each key object, then you can use that ID as an index into an array. Similarly, if you're already storing your objects in an array (e.g. as part of some more complex data structure) and looking them up by index, then you can simply use the same index to look up any additional metadata values in another array.

You could even dispense with the ID uniqueness requirement, if you implemented some kind of a collision handling mechanism, but at that point you're well on your way towards implementing your own hash table. In some cases that might actually make sense, but usually at that point it's probably easier to use an existing third-party implementation.

Alternative 2: Customize your objects.

Instead of maintaining a map from key objects into primitive values, why not just make those values into properties of the objects themselves? This is, after all, what object-oriented programming is all about — grouping related data into meaningful objects.

For example, instead of maintaining a HashMap<Point2D, Boolean> onSea, why not just give your points a boolean onSea property? Of course, you'll need to define your own custom point class for this, but there's no reason why you can't make it extend the standard Point2D class if you want, so that you can pass your custom points into any method that expects a Point2D.

Again, this approach may not always work directly, e.g. if you need to work with classes that you cannot modify (but see below), or if the values you want to store are associated with more than one object (as in your ConcurrentHashMap<Point2D, HashMap<Point2D, Double>>).

However, for the latter case, you may still be able to solve the problem by suitably redesigning your data representation. For example, instead of representing a weighted graph as a Map<Node, Map<Node, Double>>, you can define an Edge class like:

class Edge {
    Node a, b;
    double weight;

and then add an Edge[] (or Vector<Edge>) property to each node that contains any edges connected to that node.

Alternative 3: Combine multiple maps into one.

If you have multiple maps with the same keys, and cannot just turn the values into new properties of the key objects as suggested above, consider grouping them into a single metadata class and creating a single map from the keys into objects of that class. For example, instead of a Map<Item, Double> accessFrequency and a Map<Item, Long> creationTime, consider defining a single metadata class like:

class ItemMetadata {
    double accessFrequency;
    long creationTime;

and having a single Map<Item, ItemMetadata> to store all the metadata values. This is more memory-efficient than having multiple maps, and may also save time by avoiding redundant map lookups.

In some cases, for convenience, you may also wish to include in each metadata object a reference to its corresponding main object, so that you can access both through a single reference to the metadata object. Which naturally segues into...

Alternative 4: Use a decorator.

As a combination of the previous two alternatives, if you cannot directly add extra metadata properties into the key objects, consider instead wrapping them with decorators that can hold the extra values. Thus, for example, instead of directly creating your own point class with extra properties, you could simply do something like:

class PointWrapper {
    Point2D point;
    boolean onSea;
    // ...

If you like, you can even turn this wrapper into a full-blown decorator by implementing method forwarding, but even just a simple "dumb" wrapper may be sufficient for many purposes.

This approach is most useful if you can then arrange to store and work with just the wrappers, so that you never need to look up the wrapper corresponding to an unwrapped object. Of course, if you do need to do that occasionally (e.g. because you're only receiving the unwrapped objects from other code), then you can do that with a single Map<Point2D, PointWrapper>, but then you're effectively back at the previous alternative.

Eclipse Collections has object and primitive maps and has Mutable and Immutable versions for both.

MutableObjectDoubleMap<String> doubleMap = ObjectDoubleMaps.mutable.empty();
doubleMap.put("1", 1.0d);
doubleMap.put("2", 2.0d);

MutableObjectBooleanMap<String> booleanMap = ObjectBooleanMaps.mutable.empty();
booleanMap.put("ok", true);

ImmutableObjectDoubleMap<String> immutableMap = doubleMap.toImmutable();
Assert.assertEquals(doubleMap, immutableMap);

A MutableMap can be used as a factory for an ImmutableMap in Eclipse Collections by calling toImmutable as I have done in the example above. Both mutable and immutable maps share a common parent interface, which in the case of the MutableObjectDoubleMap and ImmutableObjectDoubleMap above, is named ObjectDoubleMap.

Eclipse Collections also has synchronized and unmodifiable versions for all mutable containers in the library. The following code will give you a synchronized view wrapped around the primitive maps.

MutableObjectDoubleMap<String> doubleMap = 
doubleMap.put("1", 1.0d);
doubleMap.put("2", 2.0d);

MutableObjectBooleanMap<String> booleanMap = 
booleanMap.put("ok", true);

This performance comparison of large maps was published a couple of years ago.

Large HashMap overview: JDK, FastUtil, Goldman Sachs, HPPC, Koloboke, Trove – January 2015 version

GS Collections has since been migrated to the Eclipse Foundation and is now Eclipse Collections.

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.

There are several implementations:


Here are questions related to best performance:

  • Most efficient Java primitive collections library
  • What is a fast alternative to HashMap for mapping to primitive types?

The actual implementation can also influence performance

  • Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap