Map of maps - how to keep the inner maps as maps?

An alternate solution would be to use Commons MultiKey for avoiding map of maps. See details at and org.apache.commons.collections.keyvalue.MultiKey

Your code does not compile.

One problem is this:

Map<Object,String> mpMaps=new HashMap();

This won't work, as you put a Map (mp) into a Map whose values need to be Strings.

Use Map<Object,Map<Object,String> and you should be fine.

Here is the updated code that seems to work, you need to type the map of maps as <String, Object> since mp isn't a string you can't do <Object, String>.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MapExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Map<Object,String> mp=new HashMap<Object, String>();

        // adding or set elements in Map by put method key and value pair
        mp.put(new Integer(2), "Two");
        mp.put(new Integer(1), "One");
        mp.put(new Integer(3), "Three");
        mp.put(new Integer(4), "Four");

        Map<Object,String> mp2=new HashMap<Object, String>();
        mp2.put(new Integer(2), "Two2");
        mp2.put(new Integer(1), "One2");
        mp2.put(new Integer(3), "Three2");
        mp2.put(new Integer(4), "Four2");

        Map<String, Object> mpMaps=new HashMap<String, Object>();


        System.out.println("This is a map of Maps:   " + mpMaps); 

        for (int i=0;i<mpMaps.size();i++){
                     ArrayList<Object> a = new ArrayList<Object>(mpMaps.keySet());
                     Object o=a.get(i);
                     System.out.println("all together: " + mpMaps.size() + "each element is:  " + o + " value: " + mpMaps.get(o));


