MapThread with non-rectangular lists

Perhaps something like this, as a more general alternative? However, without tweaking it forget about level specification

Function[Null, f[##], Listable] @@ A

Here's a way to do it by mapping MapThread:

MapThread[f, #] & /@ Transpose[{{{a, b}, {c, d, e}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}}}]
(* {{f[a, 1], f[b, 2]}, {f[c, 3], f[d, 4], f[e, 5]}} *)

It's probably bad form to answer your own question, but I did manage to get something to work while I was waiting:

myMapThread[f_, list1_, list2_, level_] := 
  Module[{s}, Function[s, 
     Reap[MapIndexed[Sow[f[#1, s[[Sequence @@ #2]]]] &, list1, {level}]][[1]]]


myMapThread[f, {{a, b}, {c, d, e}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}}, 2]

{{f[a, 1], f[b, 2]}, {f[c, 3], f[d, 4], f[e, 5]}}

It's quite ugly though.