Markdown Viewer

Using pandoc and lynx without creating temporary files:

pandoc | lynx -stdin

Note: credits to @Joe's answer in Stack Overflow.

You can use Grip, which renders the Markdown exactly as GitHub would (it uses the GitHub markdown API).

Install it with pip:

pip install grip

To render a file

grip -b

How this looks like:

enter image description here

I wrote a lightweight terminal markdown viewer in python, for CLI or as lib:


It supports e.g. tables, admonitions and tons of color themes.

mdv [-t THEME] [-T C_THEME] [-x] [-l] [-L] [-c COLS] [-f FROM] [-m] [-M   DIR] [-H] [-A] [MDFILE]

MDFILE    : Path to markdown file
-t THEME  : Key within the color ansi_table.json. 'random' accepted.
-T C_THEME: Theme for code highlight. If not set: Use THEME.
-l        : Light background (not yet supported)
-L        : Display links
-x        : Do not try guess code lexer (guessing is a bit slow)
-f FROM   : Display FROM given substring of the file.
-m        : Monitor file for changes and redisplay FROM given substring
-M DIR    : Monitor directory for markdown file changes
-c COLS   : Fix columns to this (default: your terminal width)
-A        : Strip all ansi (no colors then)
-H        : Print html version

   enter image description here