match all words starting with non-vowel and end with a vowel code example
Example 1: match a string that starts and ends with the same vowel
const regex = /\b(?<vowel>[aeiou])(\w*\k<vowel>)?\b/
Example 2: Find a vowel at the begining and end with regular expression
// ^ => first item matches:
// () => stores matching value captured within
// [aeiou] => matches any of the characters in the brackets
// . => matches any character:
// + => for 1 or more occurrances (this ensures str length > 3)
// \1 => matches to previously stored match.
// \2 looks for matched item stored 2 instances ago
// \3 looks for matched item stored 3 ago, etc
// $ ensures that matched item is at end of the sequence
let re = /^([aeiou]).*\1$/i;
return re;