Match colors to plot themes
colors=(("DefaultPlotStyle"/.(Method /.
Charting`ResolvePlotTheme["Scientific" , ListLinePlot]))/. Directive[x_,__]:>x)
to get the colors used in the "Scientific"
plot theme. Then use colors
as the first argument of LineLegend
Row[{Style["Data from experiment 5B", FontFamily -> "Times",
FontSize -> 12]}, Alignment -> Center,
ImageSize -> (4 + 4 + 0.5) 72],
Row[{ListLinePlot[data1, opts], Spacer[0.5 72],
ListLinePlot[data2, opts]}],
Row[{ListLinePlot[data3, opts], Spacer[0.5 72],
ListLinePlot[data4, opts]}],
Row[{LineLegend[colors, {"x-direction", "y-direction ",
"z-direction"}, LegendLayout -> "Row",
LabelStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 12}]},
Alignment -> Center, ImageSize -> (4 + 4 + 0.5) 72]
This is not another answer but rather an extension of kguler's correct response. Further issues are also identified. In order to help use kguler's answer I have made a function which may be useful to others.
plotColors::usage =
"plotColors[plotType,plotTheme] gives a list of the colors used in \
a plot when several curves are drawn. Here plotType is, for example, \
Plot or ListLogPlot while plotTheme may be \"Scientific\", \
\"Classic\" etc.";
plotColors[plotType_, plotTheme_] :=
("DefaultPlotStyle" /. (Method /.
Charting`ResolvePlotTheme[plotTheme, plotType])) /. Directive[x_, __] :> x
This function gives a nice list of colors when implemented, for example
plotColors[Plot, "Scientific"]
plotColors[ListLogPlot, "Scientific"]
plotColors[ListLinePlot, "Classic"]
Another nice feature is that all the colors are listed but there is no need to reduce the number to that needed. This is done automatically.
For some plots my function does not work. For example for ParametricPlot
there is both a DefaultBoundaryStyle
and a DefaultPlotStyle
covering the cases where a parametric region is plotted as an alternative to a curve. This may be discovered by typing
Charting`ResolvePlotTheme["Scientific", ParametricPlot]
Which gives
Clearly Charting`ResolvePlotTheme
is a function that needs to be explored.
I propose using the lower-level System`PlotThemeDump`resolvePlotTheme
to find the information you need. This reveals the color scheme number itself rather than resolving to a list of Directives.
You must give the plot function name as a String. The key you are looking for is "DefaultColor"
Themes`ThemeRules; (* preload PlotThemes subsystem *)
"DefaultColor" /.
Last /@ System`PlotThemeDump`resolvePlotTheme["Scientific", "ListLinePlot"]
That is all you need in your LineLegend
to get the color scheme you want:
LineLegend[108, {"x-direction", "y-direction ", "z-direction"},
LegendLayout -> "Row", LabelStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 12}]