Material UI Menu using routes

Starting with Material-UI 1.0, the new syntax is:

  // the 'to' prop (and any other props not recognized by MenuItem itself)
  // will be passed down to the Link component

(Note: this example doesn't include an icon. There is a new ListItemIcon component for that.)

another long overdue update:

containerElement prop is not supported anymore, use component prop instead.

Check out the document here.

2016 December Edit: the linkButton prop is deprecated, you will get a warning:

Warning: Unknown props `linkButton` on <a> tag.

So simply remove the prop:

  containerElement={<Link to="/profile" />}
    <FontIcon className="material-icons">people</FontIcon>

Here's an Example Repo, and the Live Demo Here.

Original answer:

Just wanted to point out that if you're using react-router, you might want to use <Link to="/some/page" /> rather than the <a> tag.

To do this, you need to use the containerElement prop

  containerElement={<Link to="/profile" />}
    <FontIcon className="material-icons">people</FontIcon>

(the ={true} can be omitted if you're only passing true, in other words, <MenuItem linkButton /> is same as <MenuItem linkButton={true} />)

The containerElement and linkButton props is actually documented in the buttons section, but you can use it in MenuItem as well.

None of the existing answers (of September 2018) worked for me with react 16.4.2 and react-router 4.2.2, so this was my solution:

<Link to='/notifications' style={{ textDecoration: 'none' }}>

As you can see, the MenuItem component is surrounded by the Link component, and I added a style textDecoration: 'none' not to have the item underlined.

You can set the linkButtton prop on MenuItem to generate a link, then also add an href.

<MenuItem linkButton={true} href="link/to/some/page" primaryText="Sample Link" />