Matisse or Jigloo?

I have personally had a handful of occasions where the XML file backing a Matisse form somehow became out of sync with the code and had to resort to a backup to get it working again. This was enough to scare me away. I have no experience with Jigloo, though.

My current projects use TableLayout, extensively. It is easy to understand and (of all the layout managers I've tried) maintain. I have not found any other solution in GUI design for Java that I feel more comfortable with than coding the GUIs by hand. Moving forward, it seems like the best "future-proof" way of coding my GUIs.

I agree with Chintan on using Matisse or similar to mock up your design and then convert the layout to another layout (like TableLayout). Personally, I like using pencil and paper to do most of it. Not exactly high-tech, but it gets the job done.

Please don't use either! As with this answer, it's my strong opinion (after writing Swing GUIs for 10 years), that using GUI builders is, in all but the most edge-cases, a bad idea. HAND CODE YOUR GUI!

  • Whether you choose Matisse or Jigloo, it is not a standard, will fall out of favour and a better tool will come along. At that point, you will have legacy code that is nigh on impossible to maintain. This has already happened several times in the history of Java GUI builders.

  • You should avoid forcing your developers to use one IDE and it is a huge overhead to expect devs to switch to a particular IDE when looking at the GUI code. They'll be frustrated as they can't remember key bindings, project setup is out-of-date, they have the wrong version installed etc. People will make quick-fixes without the builder. At this point your code is unmaintainable in both your IDE of choice, and in the GUI builder istelf! The whole thing is a mess.

  • Designing a GUI is not, in my experience, a particularly onerous task and probably accounts for no more than 5-10% of the total development time of an application. Even if initially using Matisse or Jigloo provides you with a 50% time advantage over hand-coding the GUI, this is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It is certainly not worth the hidden costs and impending maintenance disasters that lie ahead.

  • GridBagLayout is not hard. It just isn't! It's really simple, in fact. It will take you a few minutes to learn and after that you'll never look back. Your GUIs will look like how you want them to look and your code will be more maintainable as a result. Use GridBagLayout!

I have spent a good deal of time warning people about this before and been proven correct.

I wouldn't go with either. The best thing I've found so far is Instantiations Swing Designer. It is not free, but not expensive either. It supports all major Swing layouts and DOES NOT create any additional artifacts except pure Java code.

Here is the link, if your are interested.